Welcome Team
© Trinity Community Church 2007 — All Rights Reserved
We want everyone who joins us for our Sunday gatherings to be treated like a guest! Help us create a welcoming environment by:
• greeting the folks we don’t recognize
• helping direct people who have questions
• going the extra mile willingly and cheerfully
As a greeter, you’ll also tag team with our ushers in collecting our offering.
Our greeters are on deck once every 3 weeks
want in? ready to step up? pvoo@trinitycommunity.org
We serve beverages and refreshments, extending welcome and stimulating conversation; serving in a team environment. We maximize opportunities to create a special welcome, or offer comfort for our visitors and congregants at weekend services, funeral, wedding, and other gatherings.
Rotation is about once every 3 weeks.
want in? ready to step up? pvoo@trinitycommunity.org
We help guests navigate our parking lot safely. We monitor the lot while the worship service is in progress, to protect property. We prepare and plan for overflow and special event crowds; assisting young parents and the infirm in parking and unloading.
Rotation is as often as you are able.
want in? ready to step up? pvoo@trinitycommunity.org
We hand out bulletins and other special props for services, control access into the auditorium once the service begins, assist people upon entering & exiting, and address those with accessibility issues or in use of the elevator; we provide discreet help with seating; shuffling people into the centre of the seating sections if space is tight. Ushers also take up the offering and assist in communion. Rotation is about once every 3 weeks.
want in? ready to step up? pvoo@trinitycommunity.org
Special events throughout the year (satellite broadcasts, concerts, seasonal activities) require extra hands. want in? ready to step up? pvoo@trinitycommunity.org