International Missions
© Trinity Community Church 2007 — All Rights Reserved
Our Mission planning team is a group of volunteers who direct, plan and support various missions for Trinity volunteers to participate in. The team is continually investigating and planning involvement of further mission projects on a local, national and international basis.
The Mission ministry at Trinity is based on our mission statement:
“To lead a generation of people into life change through Jesus Christ.
The following are some of the International missions that Trinity supports:
Guatemala Projects
For several years enthusiastic adults and youth volunteers have assisted to place stoves, provide water purification systems, repair needy dwellings and worked at the El Castillo Orphanage and school in Guatemala. In January 2006 our team ran a Vacation Bible camp for the children of the El Castillo Orphanage.
Plans are coming together for teams to travel to Guatemala in January of 2007. If you are interested in participating or would like more information on how you can help, visit our volunteer website at
IN (International Needs)
A Trinity Community Group provides monthly financial support to 2 students who attend the Zacts Institute in Zambia where they receive a theological and practical trades education over a 2-year period of study.
Other International Missions
We support projects planned and accomplished through the National Office Missions Department of the Presbyterian Church.
Currently Trinity is prayerfully and financially supporting a member of our Youth Group who is on a Youth Short Term Mission for 6 months in Honduras, working at a Christian Camp.
We also support the Leprosy Mission by collecting used stamps. The Mission in turn uses the revenues to buy medicine for Leprosy patients.