© Trinity Community Church 2006 — All Rights Reserved
Audio Series can be purchased on CD in the Trinity Room Sunday mornings or order by phone.
Message Series: You Were Made for a Mission-007
It seems that our enemy is alive and well, despite reports to the contrary. And as Trinity Community Church turns seven this month, we'll explore the mission God has given us to rescue thousands of lives that are actually in danger, many of whom are the very people we love. In this mission, everyone has a part. You are no exception. And engaging this mission might help you find the significance you've craved all your life.
January 7th 2007 "Threat" Carey Nieuwhof
We live under a threat that jeopardizes our marriages, our children, our community and our future. And most of us don't see it. Family after family succumbs to it week after week. Once you know about it, youíll be thrilled you've spent your life defeating it!
January 14th 2007 "Weapon" Carey Nieuwhof
Christians endlessly debate what 'maturity' looks like. But most of us work off wrong definitions. And it keeps us from finding the true definition of maturity, one which could turn the world, and the church, upside down.
January 21st 2007 "Special Agent" Carey Nieuwhof
Everybody yearns for significance. We try to find it in career, status, even relationship. But the greatest significance is to have a role in rescuing people from a Christ-less eternity into a full, loving relationship with their Saviour.
January 28th 2007 "Strategy" Patrick Voo
How do we move from 'mission understood' to 'mission accomplished?' You execute a strategy perfectly designed to carry out the mission under the current conditions. This weekend, find out the path God has charted in which together we can lead a generation of people into life change through Jesus Christ.
Special Agent