© Trinity Community Church 2007 — All Rights Reserved
“I’m not religious.” Awesome. Neither is God. Many of us grew up on religion, and God says it’s time to lose it. Jesus was one of the most irreligious people of his day. God doesn’t want you going through the motions. He wants only one thing: you – the real you. In this series, we’ll explore why God isn’t religious, and why you shouldn’t be either.
April 16th - Let’s Get this Party Started
It’s Easter, and it’s a call to revolution. Jesus ripped more than the gravestone off the cemetery. He blew up an old religious system and pronounced it dead. Find out why Jesus was intent on killing all desire for religion, and instead got radical about a relationship with you. Religious people will never know freedom this good.
April 23rd - Losing My Emptiness
Going through the motions is not big with God. If that’s true, why do so many of us think that’s enough? Token church attendance, empty prayers, and mandatory givings – we give to God grudgingly or not at all. Sometimes, all our faith is a shell. It’s time to lose that. Find out how this weekend.
April 30th - Losing God-in-a-Box
Religion stuffs God in a box. Jesus blew the box to pieces. God will not, cannot be tamed. Find out why religion always wants to limit God and what happens when faith allows God to be God.
May 7th - Losing My Hypocrisy
Religious hypocrites, we can’t stand them. Neither can God. But what do we do when we’re the hypocrite and we say one thing and live another? Find out what causes and what cures hypocrisy this weekend.
May 14th - Losing My Fear of God
Wait. Doesn’t the Bible say you’re supposed to fear God? Absolutely, but not in the same sense that most of us fear God. We’re just afraid of Him. And if we’re going to lose our religion, we need to draw close to God, and learn to fear Him in the right way, in awe and respect for His incredible power and radical love.
May 21st - Finding What DaVinci Never Knew
The DaVinci Code is everywhere this weekend. Find out what DaVinci never knew. Caught in rules, theories, secret societies and a warped “religious” view of God, DaVinci never knew God’s joy. As we close this series on the weekend Da Vinci opens, find out what DaVinci totally missed and God offers to you today.
Losing My Religion Series
Let's Get This Party Started
Losing My Emptiness
Audio Series can be purchased on CD in the Trinity Room Sunday mornings or order by phone.
Losing God in a Box
Losing My Hypocrisy
Losing My Fear of God
Finding What DaVinci Never Knew