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Audio Series can be purchased on CD in the Trinity Room Sunday mornings or order by phone.
Current Message Series: Everybody
Is Christianity an exclusive club? If Jesus is the only way, isn't that unfair? If God wants everybody in the church, how come everybody doesn't feel welcome? And if any of this is real, how do you get involved? Join us for this three week series beginning Sunday, April 22nd as we take a journey together you and your friends will be so grateful you took.
April 22nd 2007 “Everybody is Invited”
All world religions emphasize earning your way into God's good graces. Do this, don't do that, and you're in. Unfortunately, many people have thought this way about Christianity--that it is about living a good life so that you'll make the cut. But a closer look reveals a much different picture of who is invited in, which means there's hope for everyone.
April 29th 2007 “Everybody is Included”
Most people don't have a problem with God. After all, plenty of people show up for church on Christmas and Easter. Unfortunately, people do have a problem with the church. For centuries Christians have made Christianity so complex that people simply write it off as irrelevant and confusing. In this session we'll see how this problem surfaced in the very early days of the church, how they dealt with it then, and how we should deal with it now.
May 6th 2007 “Everybody is Important”
To some extent, many people dream about autonomy. In our society people are on a quest to be completely independent--to be free to do what they want when they want. At first glance this may appear desirable, but it is actually an empty destination. As we take a look at 1 Corinthians 12 we'll discover that fulfillment is not found in isolation, but in becoming an integral and important part of what God is doing in the world.
Meet Andy Stanley, who is joining
Trinity’s team of communicators!
Everybody is Invited
Everybody is Included
Everybody is Important