© Trinity Community Church 2007 — All Rights Reserved
September 26th, 2007
Dear Parents,
It has been a fantastic week in student ministry. I want to thank all of our parents who have been bringing their students and their friends out to our different environments. Over the past four days we have seen over one hundred students engage our Foyer, Living Room and Kitchen environments.
As we approach our first deadline for our October retreat, Vertical Reality, I wanted to address some questions about the retreat.
Vertical Reality is a living room and kitchen environment for our students. The focus of this retreat is to grow deeper in our relationships with God and with each other. All of our main sessions and talks will be followed with small groups (hopefully the same small groups that are meeting together at Xtreme and InsideOut... depending on numbers) so that our students can grow together in community and in their faith. There will also be plenty of activities, games, campfires, hang time and music to engage your students!
Financially we have been able to make a couple of changes this week that I would like you to be aware of. First, if you have multiple students in your family who would like to attend the retreat, the first student will be the regular registration fee ($125 until this Sunday) but your other students will receive a discounted price of $100.00.
We would like to have as many of our students as possible from our Xtreme and InsideOut environments attend Vertical Reality as it will an awesome opportunity for our students to network and grow in their faith. For those who require some addition help, we also have a number of $50.00 scholarships. If that is something you would like to take advantage off, please give me a call or send me an email and we at Trinity would be glad to help out!
As September ends and October begins, we have decided to cancel InsideOut on Thanksgiving weekend (October 7th). We realize that this is a time when most families celebrate the amazing life that God has given us and did not want to take away from this important event.
Finally we will be having our first Parent’s Night Live on Tuesday October 16th starting at 7:30pm. This will be an evening where you will be able to meet your Small Group leaders, connect with other parents and learn about some teenager parenting! I will look forward to meeting you all and seeing you there.
Thanks again for all your support and prayers. I am exited and thrilled to be serving you and your students here at Trinity!
Matthew Fox
Parents Letter