© Trinity Community Church 2007 — All Rights Reserved
L O S T Series
Audio Series can be purchased on CD in the Trinity Room Sunday mornings or order by phone.
Everybody Wants to Rule the World [Pride]
Inventory Blowout [Greed]
Whole Lotta Love [Lust]
Lost. That’s how you feel and where you end up when sin gets the best of you. Lurking beneath the surface of each of us are seven deadly sins. You might not know them by name, but you struggle with most of them every day. They eat at your marriage, your workplace, your inner self. They threaten to control you, but you can conquer them through Christ.
June 25th - Everybody Wants To Rule the World [Pride] Carey Nieuwhof
First caller through, first in line, best parking space, corner office... human nature is in the business of outdoing the other guy. No one said that ambition wasn’t a good thing – but what is it that fuels that ambition? Often it’s pride, and pride goes before a fall. Listen to Jesus as He teaches us how not to fall for this one.
July 2nd - Inventory Blowout [Greed] Matt Fox
“Content” is a dirty word these days – it shows lack of drive, under-appreciation of what’s at stake. Bigger, better, different – that’s the evidence of a hungry heart, of a go-getter. Except that there’s no end to it. Growing our inventory drives contentment further away – the secret lies in following God’s way. Find out how less is more!
July 9th - Whole Lotta Love [Lust] Matt Fox
It destroys lives, it destroys families, it destroys children, it destroys you, and it’s the most profitable industry going on the internet – sex. As a society, it seems that we can’t get enough of it. So who brought sex into the picture anyway? God. But He planned for it to be a part of a pure life, not the key to impurity. Join us as we put sex back in its proper place.
July 16th - Lazy Boy [Sloth] Patrick Voo
Some of us try to maximize life by minimizing work. There are always corners to be cut and minutes to be shaved. And so we put the quality of our workmanship on the line. Until it’s about us – then we’re quick to criticize sloppiness and shoddy construction. God spares no expense when it comes to us and His creations – and He wants to show us why it pays for us to do no less.
July 23rd - What’s Eating You [Gluttony] Patrick Voo
Will one more piece hurt? It’s human nature to justify and rationalize – sometimes we do it to our own detriment. From fast food exposes to warnings about obesity, people are worried about overeating. But Jesus is worried about more than the cravings of an empty stomach – He wants to deal with the cravings of an empty soul.
July 30th - What You Need [Envy] Carey Nieuwhof
It’s called the ‘green-eyed monster’ for good reason – it is a monster. The jealousy, the envy that brews inside of us, it feeds on our dissatisfaction and spits out insensitivity and ill will. And it’ll take more than self-control to deal with it – it calls for a heart-level change that only Jesus can bring.
August 6th - Appetite for Destruction [Anger] Carey Nieuwhof
Everybody gets angry once in a while – but what is it that pushes your buttons? Do you find yourself flying off the handle and then regretting it? Ever think terrible thoughts and then have to suppress them? Find out why you get angry, and what Jesus did about it for you.
Lazy Boy [Sloth]
What's Eating You [Gluttony]
What You Need [Envy]
Appetite for Destruction [Anger]