Section One: Intimate and Interactive
The Historical Books (Genesis - Esther, Lamentations)
My Story
When I find myself in an unbelievable situation that requires unprecedented trust,
I know I can turn to the historical books of the Bible and realize I am not alone, that I can trust God.
"And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted him as righteous because of his faith."
Genesis 15.6 (New Living Translation)
Access Tips
1. Pray.
2. Trace out the plot. (What's going on?)
a. Identify the main characters.
b. Discover the context. Look several chapters back and several ahead.
c. Look for action.
i. How does the passage start?
ii. How does it end?
iii. What happens in between?
d. Watch for God's activity and see how God reveals His character.
e. Look for background details. (This will be a bridge into your world.)
3. Identify the main claim of the passage.
4. Find yourself in the story.
a. Who are you most like?
b. Who are you most unlike?
5. Apply the story to your life.
a. Ask God how this applies to you.
b. How does the text address your
i. Heart?
ii. Thoughts and beliefs?
iii. Actions?
iv. Life situation?
c. What claim does this story make on you?
What unbelievable situation am I facing right now that is demanding unprecedented trust?
What am I going to do about it?
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