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Section Five: God-Unplugged
The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke & John)
My Story
If I was honest with myself, would I have to say that life often seems bigger than God, to the point where God becomes too small to handle life’s problems?
If I had to summarize my view of Jesus into one phrase or word, I would say He is...
The Gospels push us past a view of Jesus that is to shallow or narrow and move us into an encounter with God for who He really is, unplugged.
“Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Don't you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me?” John 14.9 (New International Version)
Access Tips
Because the Gospels are history, the access tips for week one (the historical books) applies here. Use them, and then consider these as well. The faith question from week one applies as well: What unbelievable situation am I facing right now that is demanding unprecedented trust? What am I going to do about it?
Remember as you read the Gospels, that you are seeing the revelation of God in Jesus. This will help you understand what God’s intention for people has been all along with respect to:
Understanding the real purpose of the law through Jesus’ teachings.
Understanding God’s power and heart through signs and miracles.
Understanding God’s will for you as Jesus interacts with people.
As your appreciation of God expands, your love, view of life, and trust in God will also expand.
How would an authentic encounter with God, unplugged, through Jesus, change my life?