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Section Three: Best Seat in the House
Wisdom Books (Job, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, Song of Songs)
“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.”
Proverbs 13: 20
My Story
If I had a chance to do it over again, I would...
I can live life from whatever seat I choose, but God has a preferred place from which He wants to me live: in wisdom.
Access Tips
Read carefully to see how long the writer takes to deal with a subject, and then read accordingly:
Long arguments
Short proverbs
Consider using Martin Luther’s four-stranded garland as a method of contemplating scripture.
First, read the passage with an open heart, looking for the specific instruction the Lord may have for you in it.
Second, with a grateful heart, give thanks for all that is possible from God through the passage.
Third, ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten your heart as to any sin that you may need to confess relative to the passage.
Finally, look for practical ways to respond to this passage in your daily life.
How can I live differently tomorrow in light of what I can learn and apply today?