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Section Two: Behind the Music
The Psalms
My Story
1. It is easy to praise God at the best of times (Psalm 98, Psalm 150),
but much of my life is not made up of the best of times.
2. Even when I feel like my emotions don't line up with how I'm supposed to feel about God,
I can find a voice for my heart in the Psalms.
3. When I am in distress, sometimes all I have left is my ability to tell God I'm barely hanging in there. (Psalm 141)
4. When I can say it to God, I lose my need to say it to them or others. (Psalm 109)
Access Tips
1. Get an emotionally engaging translation. (Suggestions: The Message, New Living Translation)
2. Watch for notes on the setting of the Psalm. Cross-reference this to the actual story contained in the historical books using an online keyword search or a concordance.
3. Trace out the emotional plot. Ask: what is the writer trying to convey?
4. Watch for turning points in the thought pattern.
5. Engage the mood of the Psalm
6. Ask how the Psalm helps engage the mood of your heart.
7. Honestly cry out to God in the language of your heart.
The Psalms give me a voice to ask God to put my life and my faith back together again. (Psalm 77).
What do I need to tell God, and how can the Psalms guide me?